Robert Eversole is the creator of Trailmeister, an online guide to trails and horse camps around North America. He created www.trailmeister.com over a decade ago after dealing with the frustration of scouting trailheads when no information was available.
With over 3,700 trails listed, the site continues to grow. Users contribute trail information, GPS tracks, and photos of their local favorites.
Robert frequently rides and packs into the back country with his horses and mules. He is passionate about sharing information and passing along the knowledge he has acquired over the years.
He has written a plethora of articles relating to trail riding; many of which have been featured in horse magazines. They are available on his website. His YouTube channel also contains many great how-to videos. Additionally, Robert teaches clinics on packing and riding in the back country where attendees can get hands-on experience.
Happy Trails!
I really enjoy these podcasts. I like this one in particular for rare/heritage equines. Many are small bodied creatures whose owners do not ride. These animals could be pack horses/donkeys. That gives them a job and the breeders a market. Now must spread the word to heritage equine owners to consider this idea. What does Mr. Eversol think of this idea?