On this episode of Happy Trails we discuss trail riding and camping in southern Arizona.
The state draws horse travelers from all over North America. They flock to the land of the sun to escape harsh Winters in the north. First time visitors to the desert are usually concerned by the idea of encountering cacti and snakes, so I give a little primer on how to avoid them.
Arizona is a diverse and beautiful state with tons of great riding. I plan to cover the remainder of the state in future episodes but for now I’ll tell you about our experiences in southern Arizona.
Here’s a list of links to the places I discuss in this episode. Enjoy the ride!
Hay Creek Ranch https://www.haycreekranch.net/haycreekranchaz.com/index_AZ.html
Oracle State Park https://azstateparks.com/oracle/things-to-do/trails
Catalina State Park https://azstateparks.com/catalina/explore/facility-information
Saguaro National Park https://www.nps.gov/sagu/planyourvisit/things2do.htm
Rocking M Ranch www.rockingmranch.net
Tombstone Livery Stable http://tombstonelivery.com/
Cochise Stronghold https://rideclimb.com/cochise-trail-in-east-stronghold/
Empire Ranch https://www.empireranchfoundation.org/
Kentucky Camp https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/coronado/recarea/?recid=80620
The Arizona Trail https://aztrail.org/
Chiricahua National Monument https://www.nps.gov/chir/planyourvisit/horseback-riding-and-stock-use.htm
Lazy Horse Ranch http://www.lazyhorseranch.com/
Happy Trails was created and produced by Jessica Isbrecht. The show’s music was written and performed by Jason Shaw. Audio clips were provided by: Damara Mullens and Jan Bailey

Great job with your pod cast! I found it very informative and interesting. Thank you for sharing. I am looking forward to more.